A groundbreaking discovery has revealed an unexplained heat source on the Moon’s far side. Linked to an enormous granite deposit, this thermal anomaly challenges our understanding of lunar geology and hints at an ancient volcanic past.
By August Roberts
A Surprising Thermal Anomaly
Scientists have identified a region beneath the Moon’s far side that is significantly warmer than its surroundings. Spanning roughly 50 kilometers, this area is about 10 degrees Celsius hotter than the surrounding terrain. While the temperature difference seems small, it’s significant enough to intrigue experts.
The anomaly appears to stem from a massive block of granite—a rare find outside Earth. Granite is typically associated with specific geological processes, and its presence on the Moon raises questions about the satellite’s formation and evolution.
Traces of an Ancient Lunar Volcano
Researchers hypothesize that this thermal anomaly could be the remnant of volcanic activity that occurred around 3.5 billion years ago. Although the volcano has been dormant for eons, residual magma trapped beneath the surface continues to emit detectable thermal radiation.
“This phenomenon is surprisingly similar to processes observed on Earth, despite the Moon lacking water and tectonic activity, which are critical for granite formation on our planet,” explained Matt Siegler, the lead scientist on the study.
Advanced Techniques Unlock Lunar Secrets
To uncover this anomaly, scientists employed cutting-edge microwave analysis to measure subsurface temperatures with unprecedented accuracy. Data was gathered from multiple lunar missions, including:
- China’s Chang’E 1 and 2 orbiters,
- NASA’s Lunar Prospector, and
- NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter.
This international collaboration underscores the importance of shared scientific efforts in unraveling the mysteries of space.
Implications for Lunar and Planetary Science
The detection of granite on the Moon could reshape our understanding of its geological history. On Earth, granite typically forms in the presence of water and tectonic activity—both of which are largely absent on the Moon.
This discovery challenges established theories about rock formation on extraterrestrial bodies and offers new insights into the evolution of airless worlds. Published in Nature, the study highlights how innovative techniques and international cooperation can deepen our knowledge of the universe.
Based on content from www.futurasciences.com and own research.