Ed Dwight Becomes Oldest Person in Space at 90

//Ed Dwight Becomes Oldest Person in Space at 90

Ed Dwight, the first African American astronaut candidate, finally fulfilled his lifelong dream at 90. On Sunday, he embarked on a brief space journey with Blue Origin. This historic flight made him the oldest person ever to reach space.

By Julian James

A Long-Awaited Dream

Ed Dwight flew aboard the New Shepard rocket from Jeff Bezos’ private space company, Blue Origin. The ten-minute flight took him past the Kármán Line, the boundary between Earth’s atmosphere and outer space. Dwight described the experience as “life-changing” and “fantastic.” His excitement was evident as he encouraged everyone to try this experience.

Historic Achievement

Dwight now holds the record as the oldest person to enter space, surpassing previous record-holder William Shatner. In the 1960s, Dwight was the top African American candidate for NASA’s astronaut program, though he was not selected at the time. Instead, he pursued a remarkable career as an artist and sculptor. This recent achievement is a late but significant recognition of his years of dedication and unwavering commitment.

A Remarkable Career

Ed Dwight began his career in the Air Force, earning a degree in aeronautical engineering from Arizona State University. He accumulated over 9,000 flight hours, including 2,000 in high-performance jets, and rose to the rank of captain. During the Kennedy Administration, he was promoted as a symbol of progress and inclusion. Although he was ultimately not chosen for the astronaut program, his legacy has inspired many and secured his place in history.

Looking Ahead

Following his historic flight, Dwight plans to continue his journey into space. His new goal is to orbit the Earth and witness its full beauty. The dynamic separation of the capsule from the rocket exceeded his expectations and ignited his desire for more. His story demonstrates that it is never too late to achieve great dreams and inspires people of all ages to push their boundaries.

Ed Dwight’s space journey is a triumphant moment in a long career filled with obstacles and achievements. His unyielding determination and relentless pursuit of his dreams exemplify the power of the human spirit and the value of perseverance.

Based on content from www.goodnewsnetwork.org

By |2024-05-27T14:24:40+00:00May 27th, 2024|News|