Cat Takes Unexpected Trip Between Australia and New Zealand

A routine flight turned into an extraordinary adventure for an eight-year-old cat named Mittens. Forgotten in the cargo hold of a plane, she became an unintentional frequent flyer, making multiple trips between Australia and New Zealand within 24 hours.

By Julian James

Mittens Left Behind in the Cargo Hold

Cat Takes Unexpected Trip Between Australia and New Zealand

Margo Neas and her son waited anxiously at the Melbourne airport for their beloved cat, Mittens, after a flight from Christchurch, New Zealand. While the pair had arrived safely, Mittens, traveling in the plane’s cargo hold, had not been handed over. To their disbelief, they were informed that the plane had already returned to New Zealand—with Mittens still aboard. An oversight during unloading had left the eight-year-old cat behind, causing a stressful delay.

How the Oversight Occurred

The mishap was reportedly caused by a blocked view of Mittens’ carrier in the cargo area, overlooked by the ground crew. The flight, lasting roughly four hours, was halfway back to New Zealand before the airline realized its mistake. The pilot was informed and immediately activated the cargo hold’s heating system to ensure Mittens’ safety and comfort during the unexpected journey.

A Long Journey to Reunion

The animal relocation company assisting the family quickly stepped in to retrieve Mittens upon her arrival back in Christchurch. They arranged for her return flight to Melbourne, ensuring all procedures were meticulously followed this time. Despite the stress and the additional travel, Mittens safely arrived back in Melbourne, where her family eagerly awaited her.

A Happy Ending for Mittens

When Mittens was finally reunited with her family, she wasted no time expressing her affection. “She ran straight into my arms and purred louder than ever,” Neas shared. Although Mittens had lost some weight during her ordeal, she appeared otherwise unharmed. The family was overjoyed to have their beloved pet back home safe and sound.

Mittens’ unexpected journey highlights the importance of vigilance in animal transportation. Despite the stress and delays, the dedication of the airline and relocation company ensured a safe and happy reunion. This story serves as a reminder that even small oversights can lead to big adventures—but, thankfully, with a positive ending.

Based on content from and own research.

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