Why an Attorney is Your Key to Car Insurance Negotiations After an Accident

//Why an Attorney is Your Key to Car Insurance Negotiations After an Accident

Car accidents are messy, painful, and expensive. And, unfortunately, these ordeals rarely end as quickly as they began. If you’ve been involved in an accident, it could take months of back-and-forth with insurance companies to finally reach a settlement – and there’s one big mistake you don’t want to make.

The Big Decision

Living in the United States, it’s easy to critique the judicial system. (And, admittedly, there are plenty of things that could be fixed or improved.) But if you zoom out and look at the American judicial system through a global and historical lens, it becomes clear just how well designed it is.

One of the beautiful things about our legal system is that you have the right to represent yourself or hire a lawyer. And if you’ve been accused of a crime, you even have access to a court-appointed attorney when you’re unable to pay for one.

In a situation where you’ve been involved in a car accident, you have a choice to make. You can either pursue things on your own and represent your own interests, or you can hire a car accident attorney to walk you through the process. The choice is yours – but it almost always makes more sense to hire an attorney.

6 Reasons to Hire an Attorney

Almost all car accident attorneys operate on what’s known as a contingency fee basis. This means you owe them nothing up front, and they only get paid if you get paid. Not only that but their pay is based on what you receive. If you get a small payout, they get a small payout. If they help you secure a larger payout, they get a percentage of that larger payout.

In other words, you don’t have to be wealthy to hire an attorney. Anyone can get the legal help they need.

Here are some specific reasons why you should hire a car accident attorney in the aftermath of a wreck:

1. Expert Guidance on Legal Rights and Options

An attorney can provide you with a full understanding of your legal rights and the various options available to you. Insurance policies can be dense and difficult to interpret, filled with complex legal terminology that can be confusing. Your attorney will do something that neither Google nor Siri can do for you – decode this information and help you understand the scope of your insurance coverage, including what you are entitled to claim.

2. Avoiding Quick, Lowball Settlements

Insurance companies aren’t looking out for you. They only care about their own bottom line.

“Insurance companies often hope to pay as little money as possible and may offer you a settlement soon after your accident,” attorney Jeffrey Glassman says. “If you accept and sign settlement paperwork, you might unknowingly be settling for significantly less than your claim is worth.”

An attorney can assess any offers from your insurance company and negotiate for a settlement that truly covers all your expenses, both immediate and future. They have the experience to know when an offer is too low and how to counteroffer effectively.

According to a report from the Insurance Research Council, injury victims who have a lawyer receive, on average, settlements that are more than 3.5 times larger than those who settle on their own.

3. Gathering and Organizing Essential Evidence

An attorney will also take on the task of gathering all necessary evidence to support your claim. This includes police reports, medical records, witness statements, and any other documentation. If you aren’t familiar with the process – which most people are not – organizing this documentation can be overwhelming. Attorneys not only know what evidence will strengthen your case but also how to compile it in a way that is most likely to result in a favorable outcome.

4. Superior Negotiation Skills

Negotiating with insurance companies requires a certain level of skill and legal knowledge. Attorneys are trained negotiators who have extensive experience dealing with insurance adjusters. They know the tactics that these companies use to undermine claims, and they’re prepared to counteract these strategies to protect your interests.

5. Representation in Court

While many car accident claims are settled out of court, sometimes litigation is necessary. If your case goes to court, having an attorney is invaluable. They will handle all aspects of the litigation process, from filing the lawsuit to representing you in court hearings and, if necessary, at trial. (This is something you would not be able to do on your own – at least not successfully. As a result, most people who choose not to hire a lawyer give away a lot of their leverage.)

6. Peace of Mind and Focus on Recovery

One of the biggest benefits of hiring an attorney after a car accident is the peace of mind and freedom it provides you to focus on your recovery. Dealing with injuries, whether physical or emotional, can be exhausting. Knowing that an experienced professional is handling the legal and administrative burdens can alleviate a lot of the stress and allow you to put 100 percent of your energy and focus into healing.

Adding it All Up

While you technically have the freedom to do what you want – represent yourself or hire a lawyer – we highly recommend the latter. At the end of the day, it gives you the most expertise and leverage possible. The bigger question is, who will you hire?


By |2024-06-20T12:45:55+00:00June 20th, 2024|News|