Understanding How Excess Weight Contributes to New Diseases in Your Body

Have you ever wondered what will happen when your body carry extra weight for life? Do you know that having extra weight can lead to new health problems? If you are like others, you’ve probably seen some posts or videos on your social media about the importance of maintaining normal weight. But if you’ve just started, you don’t need to worry.

We will break the health problems down into simple explanations and descriptions so that it is easy to understand. We will also talk about different levels of excess weight and the potential health risks associated with them. So, grab your note, and let’s stumble upon the content.

Understanding How Excess Weight Contributes to New Diseases in Your Body

What Does Excess Weight Mean?

Excess weight has been a common term for many people.

But in advance, we must talk about BMI first. Did you know that the health professionals mostly use a measurement called BMI – Body Mass Index to determine a person’s healthy weight? BMI is an important assessment because it can help individuals to know what to do to make healthier lifestyle. BMI is calculated by dividing an individual’s weight in kilograms by square of their height in meters.

  • Underweight: BMI less than 18.5
  • Normal weight: BMI 18.5 – 24.9
  • Overweight: BMI 25 – 29.9
  • Obesity (Class 1): BMI 30 – 34.9
  • Obesity (Class 2): BMI 35 – 39.9
  • Obesity (Class 3): BMI 40 or higher

The categories above can help us to understand how much excess weight a person might be carrying. For instance, someone with a BMI of 35 falls under Obesity Class 2 category (Verywell Health).

You can typically consult your BMI with your doctor. But if you do know your current weight and height, you could input your data to free BMI calculator that you can find on the net.

It is important to understand that BMI is a general guideline and does not represent the other information such as muscle mass, fat, or bone density. However, research shows that higher BMI levels are often relatable with increased health risks. Here are the categories of excess weight that you must consider.

Weight Above 10-30 kg Over Ideal Weight: Mild Overweight

As an individual carries an excess 10 to 30 kilograms above their ideal weight, we can say that this condition is mildly overweight. This level of weight can start to impact health in several ways:

  • Hypertension: High blood pressure could happen to person with this level of weight category. Extra weight can make the heart work harder to pump blood, causing increased pressure on artery walls.
    Osteoarthritis: People with additional 10-30 kgs weight are prone to early joint pain. It does make sense because carrying additional puts extra stress on joints which can cause pain and stiffness. In many cases, the overweight individuals found it to be challenging to do daily activities like walking, climbing, etc. In more severe case, wear and tear on joints may lead to chronic joint pain and reduced mobility.
  • Mild Insulin Resistance: excess weight in abdomen can make body less responsive to insulin. If not treated, it can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. Insulin resistance happens when your body hardly regulates blood sugar levels. Insulin resistance could lead to prediabetes. Some individuals might not realize the symptoms that they are suffering until it is too late. If you have insultin resistance or suspect it, consider to consult with your doctor before it progresses to full-blown diabetes.
  • Increased Fatigue: People who are mildly overweight may often experience increased fatigue , especially if their weight keeps increasing overtime. It happens due to an increasing effort to perform daily activities. Not to mention, the excess fat can procure inflammation which could decrease the individuals’ energy levels.
  • Metabolic Syndrome Risk: Although you notice a mild overweight stage in your body, you can’t underestimate its impact on your overall metabolism. Depending on your lifestyle and current condition, your mild overweight could cause metabolic syndrome. Here are the conditions that you must pay attention to: high blood sugar, high cholesterol, and increased waist circumference. If your lab shows those information, make sure to consult your doctor as they raise the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Weight Above 30-50 kg Over Ideal Weight: Moderate Overweight

If you have an excess weight of 30 to 50 kilograms over the ideal, you will need to pay attention to these health risks:

  • Type 2 Diabetes: Individuals with moderate obesity are more prone to developing type 2 diabetes. Keep in mind that the risk is higher for person who has moderate overweight than mild overweight. If left untreated, diabates can lead to serious complications such as nerve damage, vision issues, and kidney diseases.
  • Sleep Apnea: Sleep apnea is one of the most common symptoms that happen to many obese people. During sleep, excess weight can obstruct breathing. In some cases, some people even experience frequent pauses in breathing. It can affect sleep quality, decrease the energy levels, cause daytime fatigue and tiredness, obstruct focuses, and increased health risks such as heart disease, hypertension, and stroke.
  • Heart Disease: Extra weight, specifically around the abdomen can increase risk of heart disease, heart attacks and strokes.
  • Liver Disease : Overweight individuals must also be cautious when they have unhealthy lifestyle and eating habit. Liver fat can be a dreadful thing if left untreated. Excess fat content is one of the main causes of inflammation and scarring. When it happens, the risk of suffering liver failure is also higher over time.

Weight Above 50-70 kg Over Ideal Weight: Severe Obesity

Severe obesity is a more serious condition. People who falls into this category have an excess weight of 50 to 70 kilograms over their ideal weight. This category relates to serious health conditions.

  • Organ Strain: Obviously, the more mass your body has, the harder your organs must work to accommodate your body’s needs. That includes your heart, liver, and kidneys. Individuals who have severe obesity have higher risk of suffering from organ failure.
  • Chronic Inflammation: It is important to emphasize what happens to our body when we have 50 to 70 kilograms excess weight over our ideal weight. Excess fat tissue is no debate. And when it does happen, it can lead to chronic inflammation. People with chronic inflammation are prone to decreasing life qualities such as autoimmune diseases and faster aging.
  • Reduced Lung Function: Many overweight individuals experience breathing difficulties. It is because the severe overweight can restrict the expansion of the lungs. When it happens, it reduces oxygen intake which can lead to respiratory issues and diseases. If you’re overweight and having problem in breathing, consider checking your oxygen saturation. If it is not normal, consult your doctor or specialist to mitigate the risk of the respiratory diseases.
  • Increased Risk of Stroke: A person with severe obesity could experience blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol imbalances. Left untreated, these symptoms can lead to stroke. While on a diet, regularly check your blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels to notice any imbalance.

Weight Above 90-110 kg Over Ideal Weight: Life-Threatening Obesity

At this category, individuals who have excess weight of 90-110 kgs over their ideal weight might face life-threatening situation.  If you or someone you know falls into this type of overweight, consider showing them this information.

The health risks that are critical:

  • Heart Failure: Organ strain could take place even for people with moderate overweight. Imagine how bad it can be for individuals who have weight above 90-110 kg over their ideal. The most concerning situation is the heart may hardly pump the blood, leading to heart failure and other heart issues.
  • Severe Diabetes: People falls into this category have higher risk of full-blown diabetes. . Left untreated, it could lead to nerve damage, kidney failure, and vision issues. In some cases, it can be life threatening (BM).
  • Mobility Issues: It is a common knowledge that obese people mostly have mobility issues. But some of them can have more serious issues such as difficulty standing, muscle loss, and dependency on mobility aids.
  • Early Mortality: Many researches shown that extreme overweight group have shorter life expectancy than people with normal weight. It is because of the overtime effects of obesity-related health.

Weight Above 110 kg Over Ideal Weight: Extreme Obesity

Red alerts! If you or someone you know has weight above 110 kg over the ideal weight, it is getting super serious. Informing them about this might save their lives.

People falls into this overweight category can carry critical health risks as follows:

  • All Risks of the previous categories: All health problems that we mentioned in the previous categories can happen to people who have weight above 110 kg over ideal weight.
  • Higher Cancer Risks: Extreme overweight can lead to various cancers including breast, colon, and kidney cancers.
  • Higher Chances of Cancer: Obesity is linked to an increased risk of various cancers, including breast, colon, and kidney cancers.
  • Mental Health Issues: Extreme obesity can affect the mental health of the sufferers, especially when the overweight issue is hardly overcome. Overweight patients may experience depression, anxiety, and social isolation. It is also challenging for changing years of habits for them.

Quick Tips for Overcoming Overweight Conditions

If you want to manage your weight and reduce health risks, here are some quick tips to follow:

  • Do a well-thought and balanced diet
  • Regular exercise and physical activities
  • Eat smaller portions and avoid overeating
  • Stay hydrated and drink plenty of water to help your body metabolism
  • Get quality sleep, target 7-9 hours of restful sleep every night.
  • Seek support as it can be challenging to change your life overnight
  • Consult a nutritionist, doctor, or professional

Final Thoughts

After reading all those aspects, it is fair to realize that managing is very important for your overall health. By understanding the risks of being obese, we can take the most appropriate measures to maintain a healthier lifestyle. Small changes in our diet and daily activities can make huge impact. If you suspect overweight, consulting a healthcare professional can help you a lot. Take care and stay healthy!

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