The Ultimate Pokedoku Cheat Sheet – Pokémon Types, Regions, and Teams

Pokedoku is a popular Pokémon puzzle game that challenges players to match Pokémon based on various attributes such as type, region, and team affiliations. Whether a beginner or an experienced player, solving Pokedoku efficiently requires a firm grasp of Pokémon characteristics. This ultimate cheat sheet will help you navigate the game’s complexities by providing comprehensive lists of Pokémon types, regions, teams, and strategies to improve your gameplay.

The Ultimate Pokedoku Cheat Sheet - Pokémon Types, Regions, and Teams

Understanding Pokedoku

Pokedoku is similar to Sudoku but with a Pokémon twist. Instead of numbers, the grid is filled with Pokémon that match specific criteria along the rows and columns. The challenge is ensuring that no Pokémon repeats within the same row or column while satisfying all intersection conditions.

Key Elements in Pokedoku:

  • Pokémon Types – Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, etc.
  • Regions – Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, etc.
  • Teams – Elite Four, Gym Leaders, Evil Teams, etc.
  • Unique Attributes – Dual-typing, Legendary status, Starter Pokémon, and more.

Now, let’s dive into the essential Pokémon knowledge that will help you solve Pokedoku like a pro.

Pokémon Types and Notable Pokémon

One of the most common conditions in Pokedoku puzzles is Pokémon type. Here’s a list of each Pokémon type and notable Pokémon you should remember for quick solving.

Single-Type Pokémon

TypeNotable Pokémon
FireArcanine, Flareon, Magmar
WaterGyarados, Blastoise, Kingler
GrassLeafeon, Venusaur, Roserade
ElectricPikachu, Electrode, Jolteon
IceArticuno, Glaceon, Jynx
FightingMachamp, Hitmonlee, Sawk
PoisonMuk, Weezing, Arbok
GroundDugtrio, Garchomp, Flygon
FlyingPidgeot, Staraptor, Swellow
PsychicAlakazam, Espeon, Reuniclus
BugButterfree, Scyther, Heracross
RockOnix, Tyranitar, Kabutops
GhostGengar, Mimikyu, Chandelure
DragonDragonite, Salamence, Haxorus
DarkUmbreon, Absol, Houndoom
SteelMetagross, Steelix, Scizor
FairyClefable, Togekiss, Gardevoir

Dual-Type Pokémon for Cross-Category Solving

Many Pokémon belong to multiple types, making them valuable for solving multiple conditions at once.

Dual-Type PokémonTypes

Pokémon Regions and Representative Pokémon

Each Pokémon belongs to a specific region based on its debut in the Pokémon games. In Pokedoku, you might need to find a Pokémon that belongs to a certain region while meeting other conditions.

Regional Pokémon Cheat Sheet

RegionNotable Pokémon
KantoPikachu, Charizard, Gengar
JohtoTyranitar, Ampharos, Espeon
HoennBlaziken, Metagross, Flygon
SinnohLucario, Garchomp, Togekiss
UnovaHydreigon, Zoroark, Chandelure
KalosGreninja, Aegislash, Talonflame
AlolaIncineroar, Mimikyu, Tapu Koko
GalarDragapult, Corviknight, Rillaboom

How to Use Regional Knowledge to Win

  • Pokémon that appear in multiple regions through remakes and events (e.g., Pikachu) can be tricky, so always check their debut region.
  • If a region-specific requirement is tough, start with that row or column to narrow down possibilities early.

Pokémon Teams and Special Groups

Another common category in Pokedoku puzzles is Pokémon that belong to specific teams or groups. Here are some commonly featured teams and their representative Pokémon:

Elite Four & Champions

Champion/Elite FourPokémon
Lance (Kanto)Dragonite
Cynthia (Sinnoh)Garchomp
Steven (Hoenn)Metagross
Leon (Galar)Charizard

Gym Leaders

Gym LeaderPokémon
Misty (Water)Starmie
Brock (Rock)Onix
Sabrina (Psychic)Alakazam
Raihan (Dragon)Duraludon

Villainous Teams

Team RocketMeowth, Weezing
Team MagmaCamerupt
Team AquaSharpedo
Team GalacticWeavile

Legendary Pokémon Groups

GroupNotable Pokémon
Legendary BirdsArticuno, Zapdos, Moltres
Legendary BeastsEntei, Raikou, Suicune
Weather TrioGroudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza
Creation TrioDialga, Palkia, Giratina

Expert Tips to Solve Pokedoku Faster

Now that you have a solid reference guide, let’s look at some pro strategies for solving Pokedoku puzzles efficiently:

  1. Start with the most restrictive conditions – If a row or column has a rare category like “Legendary Dragon-Type,” tackle that first.
  2. Use dual-type Pokémon wisely – Pokémon like Garchomp (Dragon/Ground) can fit multiple categories, reducing conflicts.
  3. Remember multi-region Pokémon – Some Pokémon appear in different generations due to remakes or Alolan/Galarian forms.
  4. Don’t rush to place a Pokémon – Take time to cross-check before committing to a placement.
  5. Practice daily – The more puzzles you solve, the faster you recognize patterns and solutions.

Mastering Pokedoku requires a mix of Pokémon knowledge and logical thinking. This ultimate cheat sheet on Pokémon types, regions, and teams gives you the essential reference guide to solve puzzles quickly and efficiently. Whether playing casually or aiming for speed records, these insights will help you become a Pokedoku master!

So, prepare to sharpen your skills and challenge yourself with the toughest Pokedoku puzzles!

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