Bird feeders are an effective way of attracting birds to your compound. More people are now adopting them, which feed birds and create a serene and enjoyable environment. A bird feeder can help you feel close to nature in an urban or rural region.
People use bird feeders for many reasons. Some are fascinated by bright-colored birds, while others enjoy helping them find food during winter. Feeders also serve environmental conservation by offering areas to feed and rest.
Over the years, these feeders and other devices used for wildlife watching have become more advanced. Some now add cameras and other features to enhance birdwatching experiences. One such device is the Birdfy bird feeder, which presents the following advantages.
Why Birdwatching Is A Great Hobby
Bird watching is one of the most enjoyable activities, with less effort and energy than other forms of wildlife watching. It helps to watch them from within the house; many people enjoy watching them fly, eat, and even mate.
It can also be educational. Participants can learn about various types of birds, their behaviors, and modes of movement from one area to another. Anyone, from children to seniors, can enjoy this hobby regardless of age.
The most crucial advantage of birding is stress relief or stress reduction. Contrary to conventional belief, stress can be healthy when taken in the right amount, and birding is one of them. Nature and its creations should be embraced as they help enhance a person’s mental status and even make them happy.
Benefits of Using Birdfy Bird Feeder
Now, let’s explore the benefits of using a Birdfy bird feeder to enhance your birdwatching experience.
1. Watch Birds Up Close
It allows one to come closer to the birds without affecting them. These enable the built-in camera to capture their bright colors and any minor body movements they make. You don’t need binoculars to watch them as they can be seen using a phone or tablet.
It will benefit those who wish to observe them without causing them to run away. Usually, they take to the trees when humans approach them in this area. However, with a smart feeder, you can feed them and enjoy their grace even though you will not have to offer them food at specific intervals.
This particular camera can capture images in high definition, so every picture is evident and alive. You will not miss a flying tiny hummingbird or a woodpecker pecking away on a branch out of sight.
2. Identify Different Bird Species
Another benefit of this smart feeder is its artificial intelligence system. In addition, it can identify various birds and their popularity in real time. If you are a beginner at birdwatching, you do not need to guess what kind of bird you are watching. It is the best bird feeder camera that can identify the bird, and its name appears on the screen immediately.
This is an excellent feature for users who want more information about them. Since you do not have to search through bird books or the Internet, this is likely preferred. Users will particularly enjoy this because it makes identifying any rare or less common bird likely to visit the feeder easier.
3. Capture and Share Bird Moments
It also lets you capture them in detail through photography and video recording. A built-in camera captures their movement, which can be saved and shared with friends and family through wireless media sharing capability.
This feature will help you spread your love if you love social media. You can share bird videos and pictures on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube. Seeing many people watching bird videos is peculiar and may motivate others to try birding.
The feeder acts as a personal diary for those who do not aim to share the moments with others. When they are not present, you can watch the recordings anytime you want to.
4. Get Alerts When Birds Visit
With a traditional bird feeder, one cannot ascertain when the birds will arrive. Despite that, one can wait hours for them only to find they are no longer available. However, with this best bird feeder camera, you are alerted each time a bird comes to feed on the seeds.
You can observe them, for instance, through your phone screen and see events as they happen. Even when you are at work or cannot go to your house, you can still engage in bird-watching from your mobile.
It also helps to receive alerts if one wishes to capture specific images of specific bird species. Instantly, you don’t need to wait until they arrive; you will know when they arrive.
5. Keep Squirrels Away
Bird seed, which squirrels tend to steal, is a nuisance to bird lovers. Many smart feeders, including the Birdfy, are designed to keep squirrels out. Some models possess additional features, such as motion detection, where the camera is designed to scare off intruders.
It helps you protect food from being taken by other animals and should be reserved for birds. By controlling the occurrence of squirrels, the feeder also remains intact and does not become messy.
6. Easy to Install and Use
Installing this feeder is easy and does not take long. No tools or skills beyond our expertise are required. Many smart feeders have simple instructions for operation on their labels and covers, making them easy to use.
After installation, the feeder is operational and begins feeding children. It can detect disturbances and pause feeding to address the problem before continuing. You need to add food and plug it into your phone. The user-friendly app interface allows you to watch them, take pictures, and adjust settings effortlessly.
Bird feeders are perfect structures to be installed anywhere. They attract birds that find them a food source and bring happiness to those who love them. However, with advanced technology, they have more advantages than those mentioned above.
Birdfy feeders are simple tools that can improve the birding experience. Featuring a high-definition camera, artificial intelligence, motion detection, and the ability to share, they are the best beginner’s and professional bird feeder cameras.
A smart bird feeder is ideal for entertainment, education, or stunning bird sights. Add the beauty and serenity of birding to your backyard today!