Husky Named “Storm” Rocks Out at Metallica Concert, Steals the Show!

In an unprecedented event, a husky named Storm attended a Metallica concert all by herself, capturing the hearts of fans and the band alike. The dog enjoyed the concert and became an overnight sensation. Read on to find out how this furry fan stole the spotlight at a Metallica concert.

By Aubree Ross

The Unlikely Attendee

On August 25, 2023, Metallica was performing at the SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles as part of their long world tour. Among the audience was an unexpected guest—Storm, a husky who had escaped from her home to attend the concert. She didn’t have a ticket, which ranged from $82 to $138, but that didn’t stop her from taking a seat and enjoying the show.

How Did She Get There?

Storm lives adjacent to the SoFi Stadium, making it easier for her to sneak out and attend the concert. According to Metallica’s social media posts, Storm made her way to the concert all by herself. She was later safely returned to her owners, but not before enjoying her favorite Metallica hits like “Barx Æterna” “Master of Puppies,” and “The Mailman That Never Comes,” what the songs would be called in the canine version.

The Band’s Reaction

Metallica found Storm’s attendance amusing and even shared it on their social media. However, they advised against bringing pets to their concerts, citing the high decibel levels that could potentially harm animals. The band’s concerts can reach up to 130 decibels, which is not only harmful to human ears, but can also cause distress to animals.

Public and Online Response

The story quickly went viral, with multiple news outlets. The Animal Hope & Wellness Foundation confirmed that Storm was well cared for and returned safely to her owners. Arizabeth Hurtado, the dog’s owner, revealed that they were surprised to find Storm sitting in an actual seat at the concert.

Storm’s adventure serves as a heartwarming and humorous tale in the world of music and pets. While it’s not advisable to bring pets to such loud events, Storm’s escapade has certainly brought a smile to many faces, making her the true “Master of Puppies” for the night.

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