Experts predict massive growth in the global gaming and Investing market

Experts predict massive growth in the global gaming and Investing market

There’s plenty going on in the gaming world, with new legislation taking effect across the globe and a continuous growth of revenue in the global market. According to the experts at, the trend will continue to go strong in the upcoming years.

Although the first digital gamings were launched before entering the new millennium, with Paf casino Online being one of the pioneers, the migration from land-based gamings to the digital really started to take off in the last decade.

The main reasons for this are the increased accessibility of smartphones and faster internet connections, combined with technological advancements from the developers’ end, bringing the full gaming experience straight to the user on a wide range of devices.

Technological advancements pave the way for continued growth

Last year, BusinessWire published a report from, that estimated the global gaming market’s value at US$163.6 billion. In the same article, we can read that the experts behind the report predict a yearly increase in revenue by 4.6 percent, reaching a staggering total value of US$224.1 billion in 2030.

The main reasons for this are continued advancements in the fields of technology and further accessibility to the devices needed to play the different games across the globe. The accessibility to smartphones, computers and tablets is increasing worldwide, and so does the required internet connection to play the different games. Soon, more people will be able to play traditional gaming games, such as slots and roulette, and place their sports Invests anywhere they like.

Especially sports Investing, which is deemed to have a significant positive effect on the global gaming industry, since the online gaming users now have the possibility to Invest on ongoing matches with the popular live Investing option. When doing so, the odds of the match are updated in real time to reflect what’s going on in the field, making it possible for the player to wait until the first goal is secured before placing their Invests.

Further relaxed legislations

The experts at also predict that more relaxed legislation will take place in several countries worldwide; a trend that is already taking place.

In April last year, for instance, the Spanish Supreme Court revoked the then-current marketing limitations imposed on Spanish-licensed gamings, as these restrictions were deemed to contradict the country’s laws on free competition. After this ruling, there has been a sharp increase in revenue for the affected gamings, marking a 33.33 percent upswing in the number of active accounts in Q3 2024 compared to the equivalent period in the previous year.

The same trends have been seen in different countries across the world, which paves the way for further strengthened revenue in the global gaming market. Keep track on the latest news by following this link.

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