Sit Means Sit Lists New Reviews For 2025

Sit Means Sit Lists New Reviews For 2025

Finding a dog training company that you can trust with your beloved pet can be a real struggle. A lot of companies will hide their training process and techniques. They won’t vet their trainers or require proper certifications. Dogs, to a lot of companies, are only a means to an end.

It is absolutely crucial to find a dog company that loves your dog as much as you if that’s even possible. The company you choose needs to see each training program as an opportunity to connect and improve the lives of you and your dog.

What is Sit Means Sit?

Since you’re seeking reviews on this company, you already know that Sit Means Sit is America’s foremost dog trainer. You probably already know that they’re a nationally acclaimed company, and you might have heard a thing or two from someone you know who went through one of their programs.

But, do you know what Sit Means Sit is, really? Do you know how they get results or why they care? Do you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you can trust them with your dog?

I can answer all of those questions and more.

On the surface level, Sit Means Sit is a dog training company that always gets results. On a deeper level, they are an organization built on the idea of changing the lives of dogs and their owners all over the world. Their mission statement is, “Revolutionizing the quality of life with happy, obedient, and confident dogs.

Their owner says, “Talk is cheap,” and that aligns with how they approach dog training and how they incorporate their mission statement every single day. Whether it’s their puppy classes, Board and Train program, or group classes, the training at Sit Means Sit brings owners into the process and is designed for real-world application.

Concept Level Dog Training

One of the first ways you can tell the quality of a dog training company is by checking the level of understanding their “trained” dogs achieve. Are they limited by specifics and an overabundance of commands? Or do they understand concepts and apply that learning in different situations?

Here’s an example: The command “Place” should mean, “Go to that place I am pointing and stay until I tell you you may get up.” It’s a very general command that can be applied to any situation. You should be able to point at an object your dog has never seen before, and they will go to that place and not move. That means you don’t have to learn, “Get in the car,” “Go to bed,” and “Hop on the couch.” “Place,”  works for every single one of those and everything else.

At this company, “Sit” means “Sit.” Whatever your dog is doing, whatever their original goal, whatever the distractions, if you give a command, it will be obeyed, and that is worth your dog’s weight in gold.

How They Use Training Tools

Sit Means Sit has been in the dog training game since 1998. Perhaps the biggest message they try to convey to dog owners is that the tools are not nearly as important as the training methods. themselves.

Having and even using a leash doesn’t mean a dog is trained. If the owner doesn’t understand the language of the leash, the tool is ineffective except for restraint. In fact, most owners use leashes for exactly that: restraining their dogs when they can’t otherwise control them. Sit Means Sit transcends that by using training tools as a means of communication. Toys, food, leashes, and collars can be used properly and effectively if you know how.

Do They Use E-Collars?

Sit Means Sit does use e-collars. However, they don’t use them in the way you might think. E-collars have been misused and misunderstood for a very long time. This reputation was earned because people started using shock collars as a form of punishment rather than another training tool for communication.

When used in the right way, e-collars are an incredible and positive tool for success. Sit Means Sit trainers never harm the dogs in their care. The collars aren’t used to inflict punishment or pain. Instead, they’re used as a “tap on the shoulder.” They’re just another way to get the dog’s attention and direct it.

The best thing about these collars is that those taps on the shoulder aren’t limited by distance. Leashes can be used to communicate the same needs, but they restrict both the dog and the owner. With the use of e-collars, any trainer from any distance can communicate with your dog and reinforce obedience no matter the situation.

Any training tool can be dangerous and abusive when it’s improperly used. Regular collars can cause all sorts of issues if your dog isn’t trained and you don’t know how to communicate with it. It’s not about the tools. It’s about the training process.

Why People Choose Sit Means Sit

You love your dogs. Of course, you do! If you didn’t you wouldn’t be seeking the best training.

Despite all the love in the world, we know that it can be difficult to take your dog out into the real world with the abundant distractions that easily undermine training. There are unfamiliar dogs, strange people, interesting smells, noises everywhere, and so much more! If your dog’s training is dependent on a perfect environment, you will never be able to take a successful walk.

That’s where Sit Means Sit comes into play. At their company, distractions are friends! Their training techniques are literally designed to withstand any environment and any distraction. For a lot of training companies, walking off-leash is the end goal, the peak. For Sit Means Sit, it’s a basic requirement. Walking off-leash is a result of good training and a fundamental understanding of concepts.

Because of the way Sit Means Sit trains, you can have a dog that goes through life by your side. Patio restaurants, hiking trails, public parks, and all kinds of adventures will quickly be within your reach! Any one of their programs will have both you and your dog living life to the fullest with unprecedented freedom.

The first and most important step to achieving this kind of life is to call today and schedule a free consultation. You can tour the compound, meet the trainers, and get all kinds of information on the programs, training, and anything else you can dream up. The people at Sit Means Sit want what’s best for you and your dog, and that includes you both feeling comfortable.

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