Publisher Collaborations – Our Services

Ever-Growing (EG) has specialized in creating buying guides together with interactive product comparison tables (commerce content). The company publishes these content unites on dedicated subfolders of renowned media websites.

Over the last 10 years, Ever-Growing has continuously improved its processes through standardization and process optimization to provide more and better content, attracting more organic traffic than ever before.

That’s the reason why – on average – around 5M buying decisions are influenced by EG’s product reviews on a monthly level and some of the largest media companies in Europe and in the US have initiated a collaboration so far.

To ensure, that EG is able to leverage the performance together with the publisher, there has been developed a standardized and partially automated process for content creation, SEO and cooperation management which follows the best practices and key learnings as well as data-based analysis and tests.

Services Ever-Growing offers to publishers:

  • Content creation: EG creates unique content (i.e. buying guides and product review tables) from scratch for every publisher.
  • Content updates: EG regularly updates content based on i) seasonality ii) product availability iii) market trends and iv) SEO reasons
  • Content liability: EG is fully liable for all contents generated and published by EG on publishers’ websites
  • Tech and tech maintenance: EG created the frontend and web design following the publisher’s style guides and scripts. Furthermore, EG is using their self-developed and CTR-optimized, responsive comparison tables including their product rating technology
  • SEO marketing: EG ensures that all provided content units follow the best practices and respect the search engines’ guidelines
  • Monetization: EG takes care of content monetization, revenue tracking, and allocation.
  • Performance monitoring: EG consistently tracks the amount of traffic as well as revenues and transparently aggregates those data streams
  • Data protection & GDPR: EG respects the current data protection laws in every country EG is operating
  • Management meeting: EG organizes a monthly management meeting with each collaborating partner to discuss the current progress and possible market trends

Services Ever-Growing doesn’t offer to publishers:

  • Subdomain-based collaborations: Due to measured significant underperformance compared to subfolders, EG is not starting collaborations on subdomains anymore.
  • Linkbuilding: EG is not building/buying links nor reaching out to external parties for ‘link-gaining motivated’ outreaches to ensure EG’s operations are 100% compliant to search engines’ guidelines
  • Access to EG’s tech, product rating algorithms or content update database: These elementary parts of EG’s IP cannot be made accessible to publishing partners
  • Any other (commerce) content format than product reviews/product comparisons: EG is the market leading expert in product comparisons and keeps its focus on this specific subject. Consequently, EG doesn’t create content around coupons, cashback programs or other content formats.

Optional services:
Depending on the operating country and market, the strategy goals of the publishers and maturity level of the collaboration, there are optional add-on services provided by EG that can be plugged-in during the collaborational lifetime.

  • Sales services: With, EG has it’s own ad platform developed and a dedicated sales team in place to negotiate CPC-based deals with advertisers in France, Germany and in the US. That way, EG can further increase the marketing efficiency of existing collaborations.
  • OSP: EG is taking part of the Amazon Onsite Program and helps publishers to distribute commerce content on the world’s largest shopping platform to gain additional reach and revenue.

If you have any questions regarding Ever-Growing and the company’s service portfolio, feel free to reach out at any time.
Just send us an email to

Last update: 06.09.2022
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